
Monday, July 03, 2006

His soul is thrashed

His hopes are dashed, his mind is clawed and scratched; his dignity stung and bitten by a thousand insults; he wants to flee but has nowhere to go. He is at the end of his rope and still he breathes, he aches, his pain keeps reminding him that he has sins to pay for. He knows it and he knows it may not end soon.

He has nowhere to go. He has no money. He calls up his brother knowing full well that he faces a 99% chance of rejection and after rwo sentences he gets his answer, the inevitable one, the one that always rings loudly in his ears: NO!!! He smacks himself angrily, "Why do I do that? Why don't I learn? He never helps me and still I crawl back to him asking for his rejection."

He never learns. He knows that rejection is the twin brother of begging and still he does it. He begs. He asks for a little bit of kindness, a bit of softness to assuage a bruised spirit. He doesn't get it and he probably never will. Not in this lifetime, at least. This is his cross, his burden that he just cannot shake. He knows it but he keeps a foolish hope that things will somehow magically change. Not in this lifetime and probably not in the next.

He is tormented by two dragons. They are his nemesis. He wonders when it will all end. The pain is making him dull and stupid and crazy. He wishes there was something he could do. But there isn't. He is stuck. He is mired in the muck. Be is bogged down and there is no escaping his life. He must suffer until the end. Maybe the end will be kinder to him.


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